Playing video games has been shown to improve brain function in children and adults. It also helps people learn new skills, build social relationships, and relax.
They Help You Relax
In addition to helping with brain development, video games can also help you relax. Research shows that playing video games can reduce stress levels and anxiety. This is because video games require players to focus attention on a task while ignoring distractions.
Good For Brain
Playing video games is a popular form of entertainment for many people. However, playing video games has been shown to have some other benefits as well.
One of these benefits is that playing video games can help improve cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. This has been shown by research done at the University of California, Irvine. The study found that playing a simple game called "Fruit Ninja" for just one hour a day over the course of six months led to improved cognitive performance and reduced dementia risk in those with mild cognitive impairment.
Another benefit that has been shown by recent research is that playing video games may help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia in older adults by improving mental fitness.
They Can Be Fun!
Playing video games isn’t just good for your brain — it’s fun too! Whether you play sports, board games, card games, or even role-playing games, there are plenty of ways to enjoy yourself when you’re not at work.
They Are Educational
In addition to being fun, video games also provide educational benefits. For example, playing video games helps improve your spatial reasoning skills, which is essential for learning math and science. You might also learn how to solve puzzles, use tools, and navigate complex environments.
They Can Be Competitive
Playing video games can also be competitive. For example, some people enjoy competing against each other in sports or board games. Others prefer to compete with themselves by beating high scores or completing challenges. Still, others enjoy competing online against players across the world.
They Can Be Social
In addition to being fun, video games can be social. You might play them alone, with friends, or even with family members. If you play video games with friends, you can talk about what you’re doing while you play. It's good to build relationships between you and your friends.
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