Sexual harassment in the workplace remains a pervasive issue that significantly impacts women's careers, mental health, and overall well-being. Despite global progress in raising awareness, many women continue to face inappropriate behavior, discrimination, and intimidation at work. Understanding what constitutes harassment and knowing how to respond are crucial steps toward fostering safer workplaces for everyone. What is Sexual Harassment? Sexual harassment encompasses a wide range of unwelcome behaviors, including but not limited to: Verbal comments or jokes of a sexual nature Unwanted physical contact Staring or leering Sending inappropriate messages or images Threats or coercion based on sexual favors Hostile work environments due to persistent inappropriate conduct These actions not only violate personal boundaries but also workplace policies and laws in many countries. Why Does It Persist? Several factors contribute to t...
Women in business are changing the game - and we want to highlight their successes. Learn how women are leading the way in the corporate world in this essential read! Women are an undeniable force in today's business world, with more and more making their mark on the corporate landscape. From boardrooms to startups, female entrepreneurs and business leaders are breaking glass ceilings every day - and this essential read will highlight their successes. Understanding the Numbers It's encouraging to see an increase of women in various roles within the corporate world; from C-suite executives to small business owners, the number of females in the workforce is steadily growing. According to a statistical analysis conducted by McKinsey & Company, "women represent approximately 40% of global talent yet only 27% are part of senior management." However, it's important to note that this statistic isn't limited to their talent alone; factors such as gender discrimi...