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What Should You Consider if You Have to Work and You Are Pregnant?

  Pregnancy is an exciting and transformative time, but it also brings unique challenges, especially if you’re balancing work responsibilities. Many women continue working throughout their pregnancies, whether by choice or necessity. If you’re a working mom-to-be, here are some important considerations to help you navigate this time effectively and ensure the well-being of both you and your baby.   1. Inform Your Employer Early Timing: It’s generally recommended to inform your employer about your pregnancy once you’re comfortable, typically after the first trimester. This allows your workplace to accommodate any necessary adjustments. Discuss Adjustments: Have an open conversation about any changes that may be needed to your work environment, responsibilities, or schedule. Many employers are willing to make adjustments to ensure a safe and comfortable work environment for pregnant employees. 2. Know Your Rights Maternity Leave: Familiarize yourself with your company's

Let’ s Support EngenderHealth's Mission for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights



In a world where sexual and reproductive health remains a critical yet often neglected aspect of overall well-being, organizations like EngenderHealth stand as beacons of hope and progress. Dedicated to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights alongside promoting gender equality, EngenderHealth tirelessly works to ensure that individuals worldwide have the agency to make informed choices about their bodies and futures.


At the heart of EngenderHealth's mission is the belief that everyone deserves the right to lead the life they want, free from coercion or judgment. This belief fuels their collaborative efforts with local communities, civil society organizations, health systems, and governments to prioritize health and rights. By fostering partnerships and advocating for policy changes, EngenderHealth strives to create sustainable, high-quality services that are accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status or geographic location.


One of EngenderHealth's key strengths lies in its internationally recognized expertise in sexual and reproductive health and rights, maternal and obstetric care, and combating gender-based violence. Through targeted programs, they address harmful gender norms, empower youth to become agents of change, and bolster health systems to ensure universal coverage.


But EngenderHealth cannot achieve these goals alone. The support of individuals like you is vital in driving meaningful change. By donating to EngenderHealth, you become a part of a global movement towards a world where everyone has the opportunity to lead healthy, fulfilling lives on their own terms.


Your donation helps EngenderHealth:


Empower Individuals: Your contribution enables EngenderHealth to provide individuals with the information and resources they need to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.


Foster Equality: EngenderHealth's work promotes gender equality by challenging harmful norms and ensuring that everyone, regardless of gender, has equal access to essential healthcare services.


Strengthen Communities: Through partnerships with local organizations and health systems, EngenderHealth strengthens communities, improving health outcomes and fostering resilience.


Advocate for Change: Your support enables EngenderHealth to advocate for policy changes that prioritize sexual and reproductive health and rights on local, national, and global levels.


Make a Lasting Impact: By contributing to EngenderHealth, you become a part of a legacy of positive change, making a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and communities worldwide.


Together, we can create a world where sexual and reproductive health is recognized as a fundamental human right, and where everyone has the opportunity to live healthy, empowered lives. Join us in supporting EngenderHealth's mission today. Your donation has the power to transform lives and build a more equitable and just world for all.

If you want to donate:

Read all about women's history month.


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